LASAK CadCam Auftragsformular

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Billing address

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Billing address

Shipping address

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Please choose the type of the order

LASAK CadCam framework manufactured using your digital data. LASAK CadCam STL can be ordered only for the LASAK BioniQ and IMPLADENT systems.
LASAK CadCam framework manufactured using a master cast and designed using our Imetric scanner.
The differences between STL and PRECISION can be found here.

Master cast

Please, choose the type of framework



Delivery terms


Examples of standard manufacturing and delivery times for different types of LASAK CadCam milled frameworks. In the listed example, the order is delivered to LASAK on Monday. We accept orders every working day.

Termíny doručení jsou platné ode dne následujícího objednávce

Delivery method*:

The price for GLS is 70 CZK without VAT. The price for GLS express transport is 150 CZK without VAT. The price for Courier Prague is 300 CZK without VAT.

Personal pickup free of charge at: LASAK s.r.o., Ceskobrodska 1047/46, 190 00 Praha 9 – Hloubetin, Czech Republic.

We will deliver the order to the address stated during registration. If you wish to have it delivered to a different address, please list the new delivery address in the note below (does not apply to personal pickup).

Fields marked with * are required

Order summary

will be delivered
IMPORTANT: Please, do not forget to supply us with the master cast, we are not able to process your order without it.

The order was submitted

You can place a new order aquí.